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Total Capital Ratio
Discover Insights on Total Capital Ratio. Assess Capital Adequacy and Optimize Risk Management.

What Is Total Capital Ratio?
The Total Capital Ratio stands as a significant financial metric, showcasing a company’s ability to absorb losses by comparing its total capital to its risk-weighted assets. It’s a key indicator of financial strength and resilience.
In Professional Service Automation (PSA), the Total Capital Ratio is a financial metric that measures the proportion of a company’s total capital (debt and equity) to its risk-weighted assets. It’s an indicator of the firm’s financial stability and its ability to sustain operations and growth.
Significance of Total Capital Ratio in PSA
This ratio evaluates the capacity of a company to cover potential losses, emphasizing its ability to endure economic downturns or unexpected financial stress. It’s crucial for regulatory compliance and gaining stakeholder confidence.
1. Financial Stability Gauge: A higher ratio often indicates a stronger financial position, with sufficient capital to cover potential losses.
2. Investor Confidence: This ratio is a key determinant of investor confidence, reflecting the firm’s ability to manage risks and fund its operations.
3. Regulatory Compliance: For firms in regulated sectors of PSA, maintaining a healthy Total Capital Ratio is often a regulatory requirement.

Significance of Total Capital Ratio in PSA
How to calculate Total Capital Ratio?
To calculate the Total Capital Ratio, divide the sum of the firm’s equity and debt by its risk-weighted assets. This includes assessing the risk profiles of various assets and assigning them appropriate risk weights.
The formula for Total Capital Ratio involves dividing a company’s total capital by its risk-weighted assets:
Total Capital Ratio = Total Capital Risk – Weighted Assets × 100%
Total Capital includes both equity and certain types of debt that can absorb losses, while Risk-Weighted Assets represent the company’s assets adjusted for risk levels.
Example Calculation of Total Capital Ratio:
Suppose a company has $1.5 billion in total capital and $4 billion in risk-weighted assets:
Total Capital Ratio=1.54×100%=37.5%
Therefore, the Total Capital Ratio is 37.5%.
Total Capital Ratio vs Other Financial Metrics
Compared to metrics like leverage ratios or liquidity ratios, the Total Capital Ratio is specifically designed to assess a company’s capacity to absorb losses. While leverage ratios focus on debt management, this ratio emphasizes the strength of the overall capital base.
1. Debt-to-Equity Ratio: Unlike the debt-to-equity ratio that compares debt to shareholders’ equity, the Total Capital Ratio includes both and compares them to risk-weighted assets.
2. Return on Equity (ROE): ROE measures profitability from shareholders’ equity, whereas the Total Capital Ratio focuses on overall financial stability.
Metric | Definition | Importance / Use |
Total Capital Ratio | Ratio of a company’s total capital to its risk-weighted assets | Evaluates the financial strength and ability to absorb losses |
Debt-to-Equity Ratio | Ratio of a company’s total debt to its shareholders’ equity | Measures the proportion of debt and equity used to finance a company |
Return on Equity (ROE) | Ratio of net income to shareholders’ equity | Measures the profitability of a company in relation to shareholders’ investments |
Return on Assets (ROA) | Ratio of net income to total assets | Measures profitability relative to the total assets held |
How Is Total Capital Ratio Used?
The Total Capital Ratio is used by regulatory bodies to ensure financial institutions maintain sufficient capital to cover potential losses. It aids stakeholders, investors, and creditors in assessing a company’s financial stability and risk management practices.
1. Balanced Financing Mix: Striking the right balance between debt and equity financing to optimize the Total Capital Ratio.
2. Risk Management: Regularly assessing and managing the risk profile of assets to ensure a healthy ratio.
3. Strategic Capital Allocation: Allocating capital efficiently across projects and initiatives to maximize returns and maintain financial stability.
Ready to Optimize Your Total Capital Ratio?
KEBS, a leading PSA software, offers tools that can help businesses optimize their Effective Capital Management
KEBS tools offer insights for effective allocation of capital across various projects and services. With KEBS risk management tools, firms can better assess and manage the risks associated with their assets.
KEBS financial management software assists in strategic planning and maintaining an optimal Total Capital Ratio.

KEBS Finance Management
For more information on how KEBS can help in managing your Total Capital Ratio and ensuring the financial health of your PSA firm, contact us or request a demo.